“Bombay Begums” Addresses The Elephant(s) In The Room #Cause A Chatter #Gender Talks

It is interesting to see that the new webseries on Netflix, Bombay Begums, instead of portraying women as a symbol of sacrifice shows them as how they truly are-- as a stepmother, a prostitute fighting to gain respect from society, a to-be mother accepting a promotion and a newbie fighting sexual assault at the workplace. It's time that the elephants in the room are brought out instead of shoving them under the carpet.

Is Your Man Asexual?

While we talk of marital rape, we don't realize that there is something equally worse at the other end of the spectrum-- lack of sex in a marriage. How does the spouse, specially a woman feel about being married to an asexual person? What are her options towards physical satisfaction? Is divorce or separation on these grounds possible?

Bend It Like…

Women don't need to 'fit in' in boxes that are uncomfortable. Sometimes in life, tough choices have to be made, irrespective of what the society thinks or says, so that you can be peaceful at the end of each day. Meghan Markel, the Duchess of Sussex, motivates us to do just that. It's time we bend it like her.

Let “Equality” Begin At Home

Equality among men and women is still work in progress and women are still way behind on that turf. But if we begin the "Equality Project" at home, it will do good for the future. Instead of passing the blame, let's get to some action!

Book Review: Thirteen Kinds of Love by Soumya Bhattacharya

Thirteen Kinds of Love explores the lives of families in an upscale apartment complex, Imperial Heights. It moves between their lives, their love, heartbreaks, trust and breach of trust, long distance relationships and how they ultimately come around, stronger and united.

Trespassers (in my personal space) Will Be Prosecuted

I'm a huge believer and executor of the concept of "personal space". Most people who know me also know that if I'm uncomfortable, I won't be quiet. And whether it is family or friends, relationships for me are defined by boundaries and I don't take it too easily when someone trespasses. My husband and I … Continue reading Trespassers (in my personal space) Will Be Prosecuted

(Is) Zero Physical Intimacy Okay In A Relationship?

As humans we all crave for love and affection. Contrary to popular belief lack of physical intimacy is common and is not a problem. If possible you can fix it, but it is not something that can be forced upon.

(Be) Yourself

In a relationship, being yourself may not be easy always. But it's better to be alone than in a relationship that is stifling and one-sided. Seek help, believe in yourself and find the right solution.

(E)xtramarital Affairs: Cultural Shift Or A Sign Of Modernism?

Extra marital affairs have become very common thanks to technology and long working hours. Travel for work makes it easier to keep the 'other' under wraps. It is a sign of cultural shift and modernism entering our homes and is here to stay. But what about the emotional devastation it causes to the families and children involved? Who is going to answer that?

(Emotional) Withdrawal After A Breakup: How to Cope

Life after a breakup is never easy. Some can move ahead while others get stuck in an emotional withdrawal spiral that seems unending. Read on to know if you are in one and ways to cope.