(Is) Zero Physical Intimacy Okay In A Relationship?

As humans we all crave for love and affection. Contrary to popular belief lack of physical intimacy is common and is not a problem. If possible you can fix it, but it is not something that can be forced upon.

(Be) Yourself

In a relationship, being yourself may not be easy always. But it's better to be alone than in a relationship that is stifling and one-sided. Seek help, believe in yourself and find the right solution.

(E)xtramarital Affairs: Cultural Shift Or A Sign Of Modernism?

Extra marital affairs have become very common thanks to technology and long working hours. Travel for work makes it easier to keep the 'other' under wraps. It is a sign of cultural shift and modernism entering our homes and is here to stay. But what about the emotional devastation it causes to the families and children involved? Who is going to answer that?

(Emotional) Withdrawal After A Breakup: How to Cope

Life after a breakup is never easy. Some can move ahead while others get stuck in an emotional withdrawal spiral that seems unending. Read on to know if you are in one and ways to cope.

Unhealthy Relationships: Competition Among Couples

Competition among spouses often turn negative wherein one starts outdoing the other. How do you know you are stuck in one and how do you sort it out? Read on...

Toxic Relationships: Are You In One?

Being in a toxic relationship is not easy. Many do not realize they are in one while many realize and yet suffer in silence. Let's offer our unconditional support to those trapped in a relationship that does more harm than good. Read on to know the 8 signs that are red flags for such a relationship.

Sacrifice: The Magic Ingredient In A Relationship

True love needs giving, setting aside your needs and think as a team. But the only condition here is it should never be one sided. Sacrificing for the sake of the partner has its own magic charm. Read on to why...

Resilient Couples: 7 Ways They Work Differently

Resilience is the key to a strong relationship among couples. Every relationship has its share of problems because no human is perfect. You could choose to stay on and try harder or move on.

Qualities Of A Long-Lasting Marriage

Though there's no written rule that defines what's right and what's an absolute "no-no"in a marriage, there are elders in the family who pass on useful tips based on their years of experience. Indeed, it's strange that while some spouses can stay together for over 7 decades, some are not able to cross the 7-year mark. So, what are the qualities that define a long lasting relationship/marriage and are there any, for that matter? Read on...

The Power of Patience in Relationships

Patience is necessary in today's fast paced life. But it does not mean bowing down to your partner's wishes indiscriminately or make unnecessary compromises. Rather it means, small adjustments to help your relationship grow stronger and thrive longer. Read on to know how you can cultivate patience to make yourself and your relationship healthier.

(Not) Okay

When you come across a friend, a family member, a neighbor (male or female) try convincing them the importance of what's "Not OK" in a relationship. Ask them the reason for their silence if they are willing to share, help them out-- but never make it a matter of gossip and judge them.