Love Throughout The Year, Not Just in February

Let's promise ourselves not to chase impossible couple goals just because someone posted it on their social media handles. Let's stay true to ourselves and keep the spark in our relationship kindled forever. If that happens, love will be in the air not just in February, but all year through.

Life Dinner, Anyone?

For the longest time, we have followed ways of the West, not realizing whether our culture needs it or not. Life Dinner may be a new name, but as a practice, we in India have been following it every single day. Read on to know more.

(Is) Zero Physical Intimacy Okay In A Relationship?

As humans we all crave for love and affection. Contrary to popular belief lack of physical intimacy is common and is not a problem. If possible you can fix it, but it is not something that can be forced upon.

Toxic Relationships: Are You In One?

Being in a toxic relationship is not easy. Many do not realize they are in one while many realize and yet suffer in silence. Let's offer our unconditional support to those trapped in a relationship that does more harm than good. Read on to know the 8 signs that are red flags for such a relationship.

Sacrifice: The Magic Ingredient In A Relationship

True love needs giving, setting aside your needs and think as a team. But the only condition here is it should never be one sided. Sacrificing for the sake of the partner has its own magic charm. Read on to why...

(Couple) Happiness Quotient– Where Do You Stand?

Couple goals are important in this technology-driven age to up the happiness quotient. We need to find time to consciously be mindful and make ourselves happy. As a couple it becomes easier because the motivator is right next to you. What are you waiting for? What's your happiness quotient?

Bucket List: 5 Reasons How It Works On Relationships

Do we really need a bucket list to strengthen relationships among couples? Personally, I'm not too much in favor, but if you believe in the power of doing things as a couple, then go for it!!