Y For Ya’aburnee, To The One I Love

As I move from one letter to another, it gets tougher and I can feel it every day. Y has been the toughest and after a very long search, I finally hit upon an expression which I had to take in because there’s nothing else with Y that you and I don’t know. After all, every post must teach us something new, isn’t it? A new word, a new idea, anything that’s unknown yet.

So today’s expression is an Arabic one. And Ya’aburnee (pronounced like this) literally means ‘you bury me’. When we love someone intensely, when the feeling is true and bond, strong we want that we must preceed the other, isn’t it? No matter how advanced we may be, we haven’t conquered death yet and it is inevitable. And when we love someone, a partner, spouse, our child/children, parents, siblings, family members, close friends–anyone, we constantly harbour this feeling of losing them to death one day. And we secretly hope and pray that they should outlive us. And the Arabs have an expression to exactly give words to this thought. How many of you have had this feeling? I must confess, I have–not for one–but for many!

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z. Join me as I explore the roller-coaster world of emotions the whole of this month. Here’s my previous post on emotions, starting with the letter X, in case you missed it.

3 thoughts on “Y For Ya’aburnee, To The One I Love

  1. I plead guilty on this count. And I suppose it’s innate to all human beings.
    Thanks for introducing this lovely word.


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