Book Review: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life– Your Guide to an Awesome Life

Title: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life–Your Guide to An Awesome Life

Author: Ashdin Doctor

Published by: Harper Collins, 2023

Pp: 202

Link to buy the book:

About the Book: In March this year, I attended a 21-day health challenge program and was overwhelmed by all the lifestyle changes that were introduced to me there to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. As I was struggling to put into practice many of the changes that were suggested in the program, the universe conspired to bring this book to my doorstep. Of course, I had signed up for the book, but when I started reading the book, I was floored. This WAS EXACTLY what I was looking for.

What I liked about the author’s style is, he understands that many people are grappling with the need to change their habits and consequently their life, but they are just not able to. Habits are not an easy thing to form or change. Ashdin holds your hand and takes you step by step through the process. He understands the difficulties you may face on the way and offers, simple and practical solutions for them. As you go through the book, in many places, you unknowingly keep nodding, “Oh yes! I did feel that” or ” “Of course! I thought that too!”

The chapters are divided neatly and logically with exercises wherever relevant. As you take up the exercises, the onward journey into the book becomes easier. My personal favourite is chapter no 7 which dwells in depth about the intention and how that can bring about a change in habits. Nevertheless, every chapter in the book is power-packed and Ashdin makes you believe that habit change can be a breeze. Don’t miss out on the 3 golden rules of habit change– you may already know them, but no one explained them to you so well before.

I also liked the fact that Ashdin quotes his own example in many places– the challenges he faced in the journey towards fitness; he also gives examples of his clients to drive home the point that every individual, including him, at some point struggles with habit formation that ultimately leads to good health and fitness. But, in the end, it is achievable and once you reach the other side, life can be awesome! Ashdin is a Habit coach no doubt, but not one who simply instructs. He’s gone through the grind too. He knows exactly where you will falter and how to fix it.

Drawback: The only one drawback is one or two grammar errors I spotted along the way, but they are too minor and do not put you off.

Rating: 5/5.

As I already mentioned, this book came to me at the right time and kept me hooked till the last page. Go ahead and grab a copy, especially if you are like me, attempting to make those little changes to your lifestyle and need that extra nudge to keep moving every day.

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2 thoughts on “Book Review: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life– Your Guide to an Awesome Life

  1. Thanks for the review. One thing I have heard about habits is that it’s all in the mind. We always think of habits as physical actions. I read somewhere that it’s more about our mindset than what we actually do.


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