U For (Dealing With) Uncomfortable Emotions

Believe me, when I started looking for emotions with the letter U there weren’t any uncommon ones. I was almost about to call it a day, thinking I could allow this to rest until I come up with something. My mind is too exhausted today to even think clearly. And just at that point, I hit upon this word–uncomfortable emotions. Is there something like that? No sooner did this word strike me, I was back at my desk, searching furiously. And it turns out that uncomfortable emotions are a reality and unless we learn to get away from them, we are in trouble.

Uncomfortable emotions like anger, anxiety, and sadness, to name a few, if not handled well, can make us take wrong decisions. Sometimes, we are scared and nervous because we fear the unknown. And not just adults, children face this too. With them, it becomes all the more complicated because they cannot even explain what they are going through. So what does one do?

To begin with,

  • Become comfortable with discomfort. Live in the moment to understand your emotions and your reactions to them.
  • The next step is to understand that we can neither blame others for the emotion nor for our reactions to it. This is especially important when you are teaching children about responsible behavior.
  • Face the fears. Unless you do that you will never know what you are capable of. The thought of driving may scare you, but once you start, the freedom that comes with it is priceless. You are no longer dependent on others to execute your plans.
  • When faced with uncomfortable emotions, find ways to calm down. There must be something–music, movies, books–anything will do! It is important to identify and neutralize them.

These are some tips I could think of. Do you know of more to add to the list?

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z. Join me as I explore the roller-coaster world of emotions the whole of this month. Here’s my previous post on emotions, starting with the letter T, in case you missed it.

5 thoughts on “U For (Dealing With) Uncomfortable Emotions

  1. I agree with all your tips of addressing uncomfortable emotions except the first one—-we can never allow ourselves to become comfortable with discomfort.
    The moment we do that, we are resigning to the circumstance.
    ‘Comfortably numb’ sounds good only in a Pink Floyd song.

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