Loneliness in the Midst of Social Media Boom

We are all users of social media for one reason or another. And it takes up most of the time we are awake. Whether to chat, email, post and update, or simply to flaunt vacation pics, we are enslaved by this captivating force that has taken over our lives completely. And yet, despite all the online likes and friendships, our lives are loaded with loneliness, isn't it?

Down Memory Lane– Family Meal Time

Technology has impacted our lives in big ways but has taken away much in return for ease and comfort. The same ease and comfort has been gradually taking us away from our own people, reducing our life span, making us lazy and sick. I sometimes dread to think what the future holds in store.

5 Things that the OTT is Silently Contributing to

OTT ensures that even on a busy day, you can choose to relax when you want to and watch shows that you enjoy. You neither have to wait for a show nor do you have to worry about missing a favorite episode in the middle of a grueling day. But what's the flip side?