Loneliness in the Midst of Social Media Boom

We are all users of social media for one reason or another. And it takes up most of the time we are awake. Whether to chat, email, post and update, or simply to flaunt vacation pics, we are enslaved by this captivating force that has taken over our lives completely. And yet, despite all the online likes and friendships, our lives are loaded with loneliness, isn't it?

Color Codes that Can Make or Break Relationships

You all must have heard of the 'Red Flags' and 'Green Flags' as far as relationships are concerned. Have you heard of 'Beige Flag'? Here's all you need to know.

Women Empowerment: A Distant Dream?

When will women get the respect they deserve? When will patriarchy stop dictating women? Do we really need to wait for over two centuries to achieve gender equality? Unless women from even the most rural areas are able to come out of the shadows of husbands and fathers, bragging about women empowerment is incomplete. Are we anywhere closer to getting there?

Parenting a Single Child: Why Does the Society Have a Problem With This?

Having a child is a very private decision between the husband and the wife. I believe that they have valid reasons to stop at one. No one else should be allowed to have a say in this.

Celebrities And Their Influence On Ordinary Mortals

Why do people (like you and me) feel obsessed with celebrities when they perform acts that we do almost every day-- going to temple, walking with their child, haggling at the local shop, and so on. Are we really interested in the gossip?